Johannes Thingnes Boe on Rodby RL3500E. Photo: Daniel Sannum Lauten.

The highly merited Norwegian biathlete Johanns Thingnes Boe has acquired a treadmill model Rodby Skate Treadmill RL3500E which has been installed in Kongsvinger. Since the installation of the treadmill on July 1, he has run 4-5 training sessions every week on his Rodby Treadmill. And it seems to have paid off. During a pre-season test competition for Norwegian biathletes in Beitostölen recently, he ran his best test competition ever. He crushes all his teammates. Down to the next man on the results list, there is a difference of over half a minute.

Johannes has developed a kind of love/hate relationship with the “executioner” in the basement. He says the article in Norwegian TV2, quote:

– The only place to hide here is actually to press the button to decrease the speed. I’m ashamed of that. You get quite defensive on a roller-ski treadmill like this because the treadmill wins every time. It never stops, it never gives up. It’s a battle you can’t win.

>> Read the full article on the Norwegian site (Google Translated to English).